Release note - Pop-in format in AMP consent notices (Feb 2020)

📆 Google has decided to prevent full screen consent notices for AMP on March, 3rd 2020. See for more information on the changes from the Google AMP team. 

As a result, the only possible format for consent notices for AMP will be bottom banners.

If you do not run AMP consent notices or do not run AMP consent notices with the pop-in format, the changes do not impact you and you have nothing to do.

If you do run AMP consent notices with the pop-in format, the changes impact you and you will have to switch the format to banners for your existing AMP consent notices.



AMP consent notices with format Pop-in will not function correctly after March, 3rd 2020 and the update from the Google AMP team.

On March, 2nd 2020, Didomi will automatically switch all existing AMP consent notices to the bottom banner format and disable the creation of AMP consent notices with pop-in format.

If you have AMP consent notices with format pop-in, we recommend that you change the format to banner yourself before March, 2nd 2020. This will ensure that the look and feel of your consent notice is not disrupted.
The texts and CSS of your consent notice might be impacted if you do not update them.

The format can be modified in the Didomi Console by switching your consent notice format to Sticky Banner:


You will still be able to have a blocking banner (i.e. prevent the user from scrolling or navigating to another page until they give or deny consent) by enabling the overlay option in the Didomi Embed Code. 📰 Read our Developers' documentation to control whether the banner is blocking or not.