Apple adds a 7-Day Cap on All Script-Writable Storage

📆 Back in February 2019, Apple announced that "Intelligent Tracking Prevention" (ITP) would cap the expiry of client-side cookies to seven days.

As third-party scripts moved to other means of first-party storage such as LocalStorage, they decided to strengthen their policy to all script-writable storage.
It means that after seven days of Safari use without user interaction on a website, they will delete all script-writable storage, including first-party cookies and LocalStorage.

Here are the script-writable storage forms affected (excluding some legacy website data types):

  • Indexed DB
  • LocalStorage 
  • Media keys
  • SessionStorage
  • Service Worker registrations and cache

What does it change for Didomi?

📆 Since February 2019, we have been using the local storage to avoid the consent re-collection for a website.
Now that all script-writable storage are deleted, a website will be forced to re-collect the user consent if the user is not visiting the website again during the seven days following his last interaction. 

Unfortunately, Didomi will not be able to avoid this behavior.