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What is the TCF string? How can we decode the TCF string?


The TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) string is a standardized method for managing user consent in the digital advertising industry, developed by IAB Europe. It encodes a user's consent choices regarding personal data processing and cookie usage in compliance with regulations like the GDPR. This string, stored in the user's browser, informs websites and advertisers about permissible tracking and advertising practices based on the user's preferences.

Several methods exist to decode a TCF string, such as using online decoders like  Uniconsent TCF Decoder or IABTCF. These tools enable you to input the TCF string and obtain a readable format of the encoded data, including consents and user preferences.

This string, encoded in the "euconsent-v2" cookie is generated by the Didomi SDK and shared with all scripts on the page, allowing only consented vendors to process user data.

Vendors will retrieve information through the __tcfapi function instead of the euconsent-v2 cookie; refer to this article for more information.