Configure SSO SAML with Microsoft Azure Active Directory

👉 You first need to create Enterprise application for Didomi Console.

  1. Login to your Azure active directory portal.
  2. Go to Enterprise applications.
  3. Go to All applications.
  4. Select New application.
  5. In the creation page, click on Create your own application.
  6. Name your application “Didomi Console”: this is the app where all your SSO SAML settings are done.

👉 Secondly, you need to configure SSO SAML.

  1. Under your newly created application, in the left menu, go to Single sign-on.
  2. Select SAML.
  3. In Basic SAML configuration, click Edit.
  4. Enter your SSO identifiers collected from Didomi Console:
    Identifier (Entity ID) The configured issuer value
    Login URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) The Login URL value
    Logout URL (Optional) The Logout URL


  5. Click on Save.
  6. Under SAML Signing Certificate, download the Certificate (Base64).
  7. Open the file.
  8. Copy the content.
  9. Keep it before heading back to Didomi Console for the rest of the configuration.
  10. Under Set up Didomi console, copy the below values:
Login URL This will be pasted in Didomi Console field Login URL.
Logout URL This will be pasted in Didomi Console field Logout URL.

👉 Finally, assign users to Didomi Console application

Before processing, make sure all your users have their email address added in Profile Contact info Email

  1. In the left menu, go to Users and groups.
  2. Add the list of users to whom you grant access to Didomi Console.