Configure SSO SAML with Onelogin

 👉 Create new application for Didomi Console

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section.
  3. In the Menu select Applications > Applications.
  4. Click on Add App.
  5. Look for the application name SAML custom connector (Advanced).
  6. Enter a display name: Didomi Console.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. Under the newly created connector, go to Configuration:
  9. Audience (EntityID) 👉 Add configured issuer collected from Didomi Console
    ACS (Consumer) URL Validator 👉 Enter the value: [-a-zA-Z0-9@:%.\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%\+.~#?&//=]*)
    ACS (Consumer) URL 👉 Add the Login URL collected from Didomi Console
    Single Logout URL 👉 Add the Logout URL collected from Didomi Console
    SAML initiator 👉 Select Service Provider

    You can find this information from the Marketplace section of the Didomi console.
    Go to the "Manage" tab and enter the "SSO" box. 

    You will find there your SSO SAML identifiers. 

 9. Click on Save.

10. Under the newly created connector, go to Parameters.

11. In SAML Custom Connector (Advanced) Field, click the + button.

12. In the Field name add:

13. Select the checkbox: Include in SAML assertion.

14. Click on Save.

15. In the Value select: Email.

16. Click on Save.

👉 Collect your settings from Onelogin

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section. 
  3. In the Menu select Applications > Applications.
  4. Select the application created in the step above for “Didomi Console”.
  5. Go to SSO.
  6. Copy the below values:
SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) 👉 This will be pasted in Didomi console field Login URL.
SLO Endpoint (HTTP) 👉 This will be pasted in Didomi console field Logout URL.
Under X.509 Certificate 👉 Click on View details, then copy the certificate.


Go to the Marketplace section of the Didomi console, then to the "Manage" tab and enter the "SSO" box. 

Paste them here :


👉 Assign users to Didomi Console application

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section.
  3. In the Menu select Users > Users.
  4. Follow the instruction to assign your user to the application created in the step above for “Didomi Console”.