Configure SSO SAML with Onelogin

 👉 Create new application for Didomi Console

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section.
  3. In the Menu select Applications > Applications.
  4. Click on Add App.
  5. Look for the application name SAML custom connector (Advanced).
  6. Enter a display name: Didomi Console.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. Under the newly created connector, go to Configuration:
  9. Audience (EntityID) 👉 Add configured issuer collected from Didomi Console
    ACS (Consumer) URL Validator 👉 Enter the value: [-a-zA-Z0-9@:%.\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%\+.~#?&//=]*)
    ACS (Consumer) URL 👉 Add the Login URL collected from Didomi Console
    Single Logout URL 👉 Add the Logout URL collected from Didomi Console
    SAML initiator 👉 Select Service Provider
  10. Click on Save.
  11. Under the newly created connector, go to Parameters.
  12. In SAML Custom Connector (Advanced) Field, click the + button.
  13. In the Field name add:
  14. Select the checkbox: Include in SAML assertion.
  15. Click on Save.
  16. In the Value select: Email.
  17. Click on Save.

👉 Collect your settings from Onelogin

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section. 
  3. In the Menu select Applications > Applications.
  4. Select the application created in the step above for “Didomi Console”.
  5. Go to SSO.
  6. Copy the below values:
SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) 👉 This will be pasted in Didomi console field Login URL.
SLO Endpoint (HTTP) 👉 This will be pasted in Didomi console field Logout URL.
Under X.509 Certificate 👉 Click on View details, then copy the certificate.

👉 Assign users to Didomi Console application

  1. Login to your Onelogin portal.
  2. Go to the Administration section.
  3. In the Menu select Users > Users.
  4. Follow the instruction to assign your user to the application created in the step above for “Didomi Console”.