Not using the IAB TCF framework but working with IAB vendors [NEW FLOW]

This article aims to explain the implications of not using the IAB TCF framework integration.

The IAB Europe is a European-wide organization that gathers players in digital marketing and advertising. The organization has created the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), a consent solution based on the GDPR and the ePrivacy directives that standardize consent collection, especially for advertising technology providers (ad tech providers). The TCF creates an environment in which website publishers can tell visitors what data is collected and how their website and partner companies intend to use it. Therefore, it makes it possible to provide legal certainty to all economic players, perpetuate economic models, and reduce the direct costs of compliance.


If you work with IAB vendors but don't want to use the IAB TCF integration

You must first check that they can receive consent data outside of the IAB TCF integration.
If so: you will have to use the documentation that you will find below (conditioning user consent by vendor will be mandatory).
If not, you will need to ask them how they can receive consent statuses and then setup transfering this information using the documentation mentioned above.
A potential loss of income is possible if your main vendors are IAB and they do not wish to work outside of the IAB TCF integration.

In order to transmit users consent to vendors outside the TCF, you can use the documents below:

- Google Tag Manager conditioning (+ global article to start)

- Tag conditioning in the source code

- Other tag managers conditioning


If you don't work with IAB vendors and don't want to use the IAB TCF integration

There will be no impact as the integration is only for IAB vendors. To recognize IAB vendors or not, we have added a logo next to their names.

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-18 161245

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-18 161237

You can also refer to the lists below updated by the IAB:

Standard list: Vendors List – IAB Europe

JSON formatted list: