Change the buttons text - WEB

You can change the buttons' text on the first view and, the preferences view.

To do so:

  1. Go to your consent notice.
  2. Then Behavior step.
  3.  Add code in the Custom JSON tab.

You can change the names of the buttons by replacing "Agree & close" or "Learn more" by another name.

Screen Recording 2021-06-24 at PM


  • Here is an example of the code you should insert to get this view on the notice (cf. below the code).

NB : For other languages, please find the country code list here.

"notice": {
"content": {
"dismiss": {
"en": "Agree & Close",
"fr": "Accepter et fermer"
"learnMore": {
"en": "Learn More",
"fr": "En savoir plus"

  • Once in the console, it should look like this:
  • Here are the JSON keys for the buttons written in bold below:

notice.content.dismiss  :  Accept all

notice.content.deny  :  Deny all 

notice.content.learnMore  :  Learn More

Feel free to have a look on our  📰 technical documentation to know how to edit the text of the buttons of the first level. 

  • If you change the name by "I agree" or "More information" for instance:
  • Your banner will be displayed with these new names on it:

On the second view (preferences), once you have clicked on "More Information" to see the purposes, here are the JSON keys below: 

preferences.content.agreeToAll:  Accept all

preferences.content.disagreeToAll:  Deny all

Feel free to have a look on our  📰 technical documentation with more information on the editing of the preferences view buttons.