To improve the quality of the CMP Analytics, we deployed a set of changes in November 2022 regarding the collection of the pageviews data and the name of the CMP metrics and indicators.
Table of content
- Web data collection: standardize the data collection across all formats and environments.
- Metric & indicator name changes: improve comprehension and metrics accuracy.
I - Web data collection
- Homogeneous data collection
- Better accuracy of the traffic data
- More robust metrics

Currently, Didomi’s trackers are triggered differently according to the notice format and environment.
Historically, the web pop-in notice format data collection is different from the other formats.
It creates discrepancies in measurement among the different formats and SDK types. Also, it prevents providing a full view of the activity
(pageviews), specifically for pageviews without consent.
Two tracking protocols coexist
All notice formats, for all environments, except the web pop-in format, use the same tracking protocol.
Change - pageview collection
We will modify this and apply the standard tracking protocol to the web pop-in format.
It will provide:
- A homogeneous events collection across formats and environments.
- A homogeneous way to read the metrics and indicators
Impacts on the CMP metrics
What won’t change:
- The volume of positive consent pageviews because the calculation update will compensate for the tracking change.
- The volume of denied consent pageviews because the calculation update will compensate for the tracking change.
- Any data for the mobile, CTV, and AMP SDK.
What will change:
- The total volume of pageviews: volume of no choice pageviews and therefore total volume of pageviews.
- Pageview opt-in, opt-out, and no-choice rates: the volume of no-choice pageviews will increase, directly impacting all the rates (on the web environment). Pageview opt-in and opt-out rates are going to decrease a bit.
The no-choice pageviews rate could be negative for the data before November 3rd 2022 as the new web pop-in tracking has just been modified on this date.
Improvement of the pageview indicators
The status of the pageview changes when consent is collected.
As the pageview tag is triggered as soon as the SDK is loading, the status of the page can change (positive or negative consent) after this. Therefore, the status of the page can change to be a positive pageview (with positive consent) or a negative pageview (with a consent refusal).
To reflect this in the analytics we need to take into account the volume of positive consent and volume of negative consent to adjust the count of total positive or negative pageviews.
Change - Indicators calculation
To be the most representative of the reality and to take into account that on the “first” (most of the time) page the final status of the pageview (opt-in or opt-out) is only definitive after the consent is given, we will change the calculation of the following metrics.
- Opt-in pageviews = opt-in pageview + positive consents
- Opt-out pageviews = opt-out pageview + negative consents
- No choice pageviews = no choice pageview - (positive consents + negative consents)
These changes will impact the following traffic indicators
- Pageview opt-in rate
- Pageview opt-out rate
- Pageview no choice rate
Changes operated in the dashboards.
Changes will be made inside the dashboards. Meaning that if you are exporting the data, thanks to the Analytics Export feature, you will be able to calculate this way or the “standard” way the analytics.
II - Metric & indicator names and calculation
Name changes
- Use common names
- Use transparent terms
- Homogeneous meanings and calculation between notice and traffic scopes indicators
Solve the lack of consistency
The consent rate metric is calculated on a different basis when the scope is the notice or the traffic.
- In the traffic context, the no-choice pageviews are taken into account.
- In the notice context, the bounces are not taken into account.
The opt-in rate is calculated on the same basis when in notice scope and when in traffic scope.
Current Name |
New Name |
Addressability Rate |
Opt-in Rate |
Notice Bounce Rate |
No Choice Rate |
Notice Bounces |
No Choice |
(Positive) Consent Rate |
Consent Rate |
Negative Consent Rate |
Refusal Rate |
Total Notices |
Notices Displayed |
Total Choices |
Total Choices |
Positive Consents |
Consents or Opt-ins |
Negative Consents |
Refusals or Opt-outs |
(PV/AS) Consent Rate |
(PV/AS) Opt-in Rate |
(PV/AS) No Choice Rate |
(PV/AS) No Choice Rate |
(PV/AS) Negative Consent Rate |
(PV/AS) Opt-out Rate |
Recap of all the changes: names and calculation
No impact on the other features
No impact on any feature, not even the Analytics Export
No change will be applied to the analytics database
- No new columns
- No new ways to calculate the metrics
As indicator calculus modifications will be applied directly into the CMP dashboard and no modification will be done in the metrics in the database, you will be able to apply calculation adjustments or not with your own data.