Everything you need to know about metrics and performance indicators for your consent notices.
Notice Metrics
Total notices (or notices displayed)
Total notices are the number of notices displayed. This metric is not deduplicated by users. If a user sees a notice multiple times, the notice will be counted each time.
Opt-ins (or consents)
A consent or Opt-in is counted each time a user accepts at least one purpose and one vendor.
Opt-outs (or refusals)
A refusal or Opt-out is counted when a user denied at least one purpose
or one vendor and no purposes or vendors are enabled.
Total choices
Is the number of consent choices. It covers positive consent given and negative consent given.
Total choices = opt-ins + opt-outs
No choices
A No Choice is counted each time consent has been asked but not answered. In other words, when the notice has been displayed but the user has not accepted or denied consent.
No-choices = total notices - total choices
Purpose changed
The purposes changed metric is the number of users (IDs) who have changed, at least one, purpose (turn-off or turn-on).
Vendor changed
The vendors changed metric is the number of users (devices) who have changed, at least one, vendor (turn-off or turn-on).
Notice Performance Indicators
Opt-in rate
The Opt-in Rate is the number of consents divided by the number of total notices. It gives the percentage of users who replied positively to a notice displayed. More details are here.
Opt-in rate = opt-ins / total notices
Opt-out rate (or Refusal Rate)
The refusal rate is the number of consents denied among the total choices. It's the total of opt-outs (refusals) divided by the total choices.
Opt-out rate = opt-outs / total choices
No-choice rate
The no-choice rate is the percentage of consent notices displayed but not answered. It's the consent notices not answered divided by all the consent notices displayed.
No-choice rate = no choices / total notices
Choice rate
The notice choice rate is the opposite of the notice bounce rate. It's the percentage of consents (positive or negative) over the total notices.
Choice rate = total choices/total notices
Consent rate
The consent rate is the number of positive consents among all the consents given. In other words, it is the total opt-ins (consents) divided by the total choices. More details are here.
Consent rate = opt-ins / total choices
Vendor personalization rate
The vendor personalization rate is the percentage of consents with a modified list of vendors.
Vendor personalization rate = vendors changed / total choices
Purpose personalization rate
The vendor personalization rate is the percentage of consents with a modified list of purposes.
Purpose personalization rate = purposes changed / total choices
External and Webview choices
Webview and external choices are not taken into account in the metrics calculations. Webview choice data is available in the App Session dashboard and External Consent data is in the Domains & Apps dashboard (in the main table). Both can also be found in Custom Report.
External opt-ins (consents)
A consent or Opt-in is counted each time a user accepts at least one purpose and one vendor selected outside of the consent notice.
External opt-outs (refusals)
An external refusal (or Opt-out) is counted when a user denied at least one purpose or one vendor and no purposes or vendors are enabled outside of the notice.
Webview opt-ins (consents)
A webview opt-in (consent) is counted each time a user accepts at least one purpose and one vendor selected in a mobile app environment and the user choice is automatically pushed to the web environment. The documentation about the webview choices is available here.
Webview opt-outs (refusals)
A webview opt-out (or refusal) is counted when a user denied at least one purpose or one vendor and no purposes or vendors are enabled in a mobile app and that user choice is automatically pushed to the web environment. The documentation about the webview choices is available here.