Configure the behavior of legitimate interest when the user disagrees [NEW FLOW]

  • Our console allows you to choose how legitimate interest is affected when a user disagrees. 
  • This means that you have the option to activate or deactivate legitimate interest when a user disagrees from the first view of the notice.
    To achieve this, please follow this procedure:
  1. Go to your consent notice in the Didomi's console. (1)
  2. Click on the fourth step 1. Regulations. (2)
  3. Go to the Consent settings tab. (3)
    Legitimate interest
  4. Scroll down to the Legitimate interest section.

    1. Select one option, both or none, depending on how you want the legitimate interest legal basis to behave.

      👉Didomi recommends deactivating legitimate interest from the moment a user disagrees. We encourage you to consult it with your legal department. 

    ⚠️ In order to deactivate legitimate interest from the moment a user disagrees, none of the two options should be selected.  

    Option A) If a user disagrees on the first view of the notice (A.), only consent will be refused, so all vendors and purposes based on legitimate interest will be kept enabled. 

    To disable legitimate interest, the user will have to do it in the preference view.

    legitimate interest article2


    Option B) If the user disagrees to all on the second view of the notice (B.) (preference view), only consent will be refused, so all vendors and purposes based on legitimate interest will be kept enabled. 

    To disable legitimate interest, the user will have to make specific choices for the vendors and purposes.


    This option refers to the button "Disagree to all" at the bottom of your banner:

     Disagree to all

    ⚠️ Please note: This option is only applicable the first time the banner is opened and not when changing preferences. The button will not be displayed if a choice has already been made or if the user has started making a granular selection.