The purpose of this article is to explain how to configure a custom scenario.
Step 1. On the compliance reports tab click on Add Domain.
Step2. Scroll to the Bot Scenarios section
Step 3. Expand the Scenario you would like to edit by clicking on it
You can now add an instruction to the bot to click on an element or insert a text (fill in).
Step 4. Click on an instruction to add it to the scenario.
This instruction will be added to the bottom of the instruction set.
Step 5. Reorder instructions to best configure the scenario by clicking on the arrows in the left.
Step 6. Add the selector where the bot should click. For more information on how to retrieve a CSS selector please follow this guide.
Step 7. Save domain and allow the bot between 10 to 15 minutes to complete the scan.
Adding / Removing Instructions
There are 4 types of instructions that a bot can run:
- Accept
- Refuse
- Click
- Fill in
The default scenarios will always contain one accept and one refuse action scenarios. They cannot be deleted from the default scenarios.
The click action will make the bot click on an element. This enables navigation to different sections of the notice if configured before the accept/refuse actions or even clicking on a specific element of the website if configured after. Eg. Video player, popup, etc.
In order to make the Click action work we will need the CSS selector of the element where we would like the bot to click.
Fill in
The Fill In action is capable of making the bot insert a specific text in a textbox.
In order to make the Fill In action work we will need the CSS selector of the textbox where the bot should write and the text that we would like it to insert.
Enabling / Disabling Scenarios
By default the 3 scenarios that the Didomi bot will run are "Accept All", "Refuse All" and "No actions".
Scenario management
Custom scenarios
If the 3 scenarios we have defined do not suit your needs, you can add up to 3 custom scenarios that you can configure independently. All 4 actions described above are available and can be configured in any order you would please. Custom naming can also be used for the 3 new scenarios created. They will be reflected as such under the user behaviour column inside the report.
Scenario activation
All scenarios can be set as active or inactive. When a scenario is inactive the bot does not run it.
Only 3 scenarios can be set as active per scan.
A scenario can contain maximum one interaction with the notice (accept/refuse actions).
Use cases
There are a few generic use cases where the custom scenario will come in handy. When a notice is configured to have a refuse button on a second layer, the bot cannot detect by default the refuse action. This feature will enable to specify where to click in order to access the refuse button.
Another situation where the custom scenario might come in handy is when we would like the bot to perform a search on a website to see if there are any trackers triggered in this particular case. Now this option is available through the console.
We could even create complex cases where if, for example, the website we want to scan supports adding elements to a shopping basket, we can ask the bot to perform this action and investigate in depth the behaviour of the website.