General questions

In this article, you will find answers to these questions: 

Questions related to the consent environment

  • What is a cookie?
  • What is a Tag?
  • What is a vendor?

Questions related to Didomi's implementation

  • What does your SDK allow?
  • Why is my consent rate so low?
  • When do you consider a user gave his consent? 
  • Does HTTP or HTTPS change anything?
  • How to deploy Didomi in regard to prebid/header bidding?

Questions about compatibility

  • Is your CMP integrable with Sales Force?
  • Is your CMP compatible with WordPress websites?
  • Is there any possibility to integrate your CMP in Facebook Instant Articles (FIA)? 

📕 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file dropped in your computer by a server (for instance the one hosting your website). Cookies allow websites to keep user data. There are several kinds of cookies "Technical" or "Essential" cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of your website. The "Third Party" cookies are cookies dropped by vendors.

📕 What is a Tag?

A Tag is a code snippet which is run over your website by a third person. Most of the used tags are meant to send information from your website to a third person in order for him to drop off cookies and process data (audience measurement, retargeting, etc.).

📕 What is a vendor?

A vendor is a third party, for example a subcontractor or a partner, who collects user data from your site through tags and cookies, for example.

There are two types of vendors:

⚙️ What does your SDK allow?

📰 Here's our technical documentation:

⚙️ Why is my consent rate so low?

Maybe you have selected too many vendors (or even all of them) in the "Vendors&Purposes" step in the Didomi console. The consent string is too long for browsers to bare, they can't contain it in a cookie.

—> Check the look of the banner (small banner, not pop in format, etc.)

⚙️ When do you consider a user gave his consent?

We consider as consent a user who has accepted, at least, one of the purposes or one of the vendors displayed. If a user does nothing on your website, we consider that he didn't consent.

⚙️ Does HTTP or HTTPS change anything?

No! But you cannot share consent between HTTP and HTTPS.

⚙️ How to deploy Didomi in regard to prebid/header bidding?

We work very well with prebid/header bidding. 📰 Our documentation is complete and very detailed.

⚙️ Is your CMP integrable with Sales Force?

⚙️ Is your CMP compatible with WordPress websites?

Yes it is! As WordPress does not have a plugin, you have to integrate the tag directly in the template.

⚙️ Is there any possibility to integrate your CMP in Facebook Instant Articles (FIA)?

For the moment, we do not have FIA integration because FIA does not propose consent elements.