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  2. Consent Notices (old flow)

Configure Google Additional Consent Mode (web)

Google's Additional Consent Mode allows collecting and passing consent information for Google's Ad Technology Providers that do not support the IAB TCF.


Configure your Google account 

In your Google Ad Manager, AdSense, or AdMob account, configure the ad technology providers that you work with.

Capture d’écran 2021-01-12 à 11.35.36

Configure your Didomi account

  1. In your Didomi Console, select the corresponding vendors with the Google flag for your consent notices:
    Didomi Compliance Console et 7 pages de plus - Personnel – Microsoft_ Edge 2021-06-28 at 9.46.40 AM
  2. If your account was created before around summer 2023, you might see this box in the 2.Customization - Integrations section. Make sure that the "Use a standard list of ATP vendors" checkbox is unchecked for the Additional Consent Mode Integration :
    Didomi Compliance Console et 8 pages de plus - Personnel – Microsoft_ Edge 2021-07-02 at 10.30.54 AM
    For newer accounts, this box is not available, you can proceed to the next step directly.
  3. Publish your consent notice after making those changes.


To validate the integration:
  1. Go to your website.
  2. Give consent.
  3. Open up the Developer Tools of your browser.
  4. Go to the Network tab.
  5. Identify ad requests to Google (usually starting with https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads for GAM) and ensure that the addtl_consent query-string parameter is present with your selected Google ATP vendors:
Conversely, if you do not give consent, the addtl_consent query-string parameter should not be present in the ad request.


Limit of 100 ATP vendors

To avoid generating ad requests that are too long and can potentially fail with a 413 error, Didomi will not pass more than 100 ATP vendors to Google ad requests.

You can select an unlimited number of ATP vendors in the Didomi Console and consent will be collected for them but only 100 ATP vendors will be passed to the ad requests and to Google.

Standard list of ATP vendors

  • We used to support a standard list of ATP vendors without allowing selection of specific vendors. This legacy mode is enabled by checking the "Use a standard list of ATP vendors" box in the Didomi Console.
  • We recommend disabling that option for new notices. For existing consent notices that have this option enabled, we recommend disabling it after configuring ATP vendors.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can users make granular choices for Google ATP vendors?

Yes! ATP vendors are displayed like any other vendor and users can make specific choices for them.

  • How is consent information stored for ATP vendors?
Information regarding consent and legitimate interest for ATP partners is stored in the didomi_token cookie. The information is encoded in a format similar to that of the TCF consent string to optimize the size of said cookie. 
  • Can Google's Additional Consent Mode be used when the IAB TCF is disabled?

No. Google Additional Consent Mode is an extension of the IAB's TCF and cannot be used independently of it.

  • Is Google's Consent Mode the same feature as Google's Additional Consent mode?
No! Google Consent Mode is a separate feature not related to the IAB TCF.