If you need to activate Google Additional Consent mode on mobile applications there are a few steps to follow :
- Ensure that your SDK version is >= 1.21.0 on Android and >= 1.31.0 on iOS.
- Edit your consent notice.
- Go to your consent notice > Go to 2. Customization > Advanced settings > Custom JSON.
- Insert the following code in the Custom JSON field by configuring it as "app.vendors.google" :
Code to add
"app": {
"vendors": {
"google": {
"additionalConsent": {
"positive": "2~id1.id2.id3",
"negative": ""
where 2 is the version number, and id1, id2, id3 etc. are the IDs of your ATP vendors. For example, the value of the "positive" key could be 2~ You can find the latest Google's Ad Tech Providers IDs (ATP) list here (https://storage.googleapis.com/tcfac/additional-consent-providers.csv).
Please read in the Google's documentation the section about the format of the AC string.
Consent will be automatically transmitted to selected ATP vendors. On app, If “google” vendor is accepted on the CMP, then these ATP vendors are automatically passed as having positive consent.
You can find these vendors consent through the addtl_consent variable and checking Google Ad Manager calls.
📰 You can find more detailed information in our technical documentation.