Summary of Purposes/Features: IAB TCF v2.2 (Current Version)

The aim of this article is to present the purposes and features behind the TCF framework policies approved by the IAB, which came into effect on November 20th, 2023.

☝️Key Concepts:

Consent: users must opt-in to the concerned feature/purpose before vendors may use it. 
Legitimate Interest: users have the option to opt-out of the specific feature or purpose in question.

1 - Purposes

Vendors can establish flexible purposes, on purposes 2, and 7 to 11. 
This gives more power to Publishers, through publisher restrictions.

  • Purpose 1 - Store and/or access information on a device
    Legal basis: consent
    SDK ID: cookies
  • Purpose 2 - Use limited data to select advertising
    Legal basis: consent / legitimate Interest
    SDK ID: select_basic_ads
  • Purpose 3 - Create profiles for personalised advertising
    Legal basis: consent
    SDK ID: create_ads_profile
  • Purpose 4 - Use profiles to select personalised advertising
    Legal basis: consent
    SDK ID: select_personalized_ads
  • Purpose 5 - Create profiles to personalise content
    Legal basis: consent
    SDK ID: create_content_profile
  • Purpose 6 - Use profiles to select personalised content
    Legal basis: consent
    SDK ID: Select_personalized_content
  • Purpose 7 - Measure advertising performance
    Legal basis: consent /legitimate Interest
    SDK ID: measure_ad_performance
  • Purpose 8 - Measure content performance
    Legal basis: consent/legitimate Interest
    SDK ID: measure_content_performance
  • Purpose 9 - Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources
    Legal basis: consent/legitimate Interests
    SDK ID: market_research
  • Purpose 10 - Develop and improve products
    Legal basis: consent/legitimate Interest
    SDK ID: improve_products
  • Purpose 11 - Use limited data to select content
    Legal basis: consent/legitimate interest
    SDK ID: use_limited_data_to_select_content

2- Special purposes 

Users do not have the option to opt-out of these special purposes

  • Special Purpose 1 - Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors
    Legal basis : Legitimate Interest
  • Special Purpose 2 - Deliver and present advertising and content
    Legal basis: Legitimate Interest

3- Features 

The features are not conditioned on user consent, they provide more information on how vendors use users' personal data. They will be no possibility of accepting or refusing these features.

  • Feature 1 - Match and combine data from other data sources
  • Feature 2 - Link different devices
  • Feature 3 - Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically

4- Special features

  • Special Feature 1 - Use precise geolocation data
    Legal basis : Consent
    SDK ID: geolocation_data
  • Special Feature 2 - Actively scan device characteristics for identification
    Legal bases : Consent
    SDK ID: device_characteristics

☝️Special features and purposes can be managed in stacks that will regroup them by categories. 

In a nutshell, here is a schema :

iab purposes TCFV2.2-1

5 - This how they should appear in your consent notice:

  • First view (notice view) :
    - The complete list of purposes or the stacks (1) + purpose number 1. (2)
    - Special features or stack 1 (including both special features). (3)

- Personalised ads and content (1)

- Advertising and content measurement (1)

- Audience research and services development (1)

- Store and/or access information on a device (2)

- Precise geolocalisation data (3)

- Identification through device scanning (3)

stacks_for article

  • Second view (preference view):
    - All purposes and/or stacks. (1)
    - Special features. (2)
    - Special purposes. (3)
    - Features. (4)
    2nd layer
  • Third view (vendor's view):
    - List of legal basis that are linked to purposes used by every partner. (first image)
    - List of additional data processing. (special purposes & features)
    - Categories of data
    - Device storage
    - A link redirecting to the privacy policy of the concerned vendor.
    2vendor view



You can see here the list of IAB TCF v.2.2 purposes descriptions and their translations.