Surface the insights of purposes and preferences selection.
🔎 Didomi collects events through the PMP SDKs deployed on your properties. These events provide aggregated analytics on Didomi's Console.
📊 The analytics section is available from the left menu of the Console. The section provides a series of graphs and tables. You can also find a section dedicated to the PMP's dashboards.
Data update frequency: PMP dashboards are updated on a daily basis. You can read this article to learn more about dashboard updates.
Event-based analytics: all the metrics provided in this section are event-based, meaning if a user generates 10 preference choices, the 10 preference choices will be reflected in the analytics. Metrics won't be duplicated by users or any other variable.
PMP SDK only: Please note, the following dashboards will only be populated if you're using the PMP SDK (web widgets).
Anatomy of a preference choice
In the simplified schema below, we illustrate the values available for each preference choice. For each preference choice made by a user, we will get:
- the available purposes and preferences: the purposes and preferences displayed to the user. In this schema, only preference values are listed (not the purpose).
- the previous (last) choice: purposes and preferences values selected in a previous choice. If it’s a first choice the previous value will be empty. In our example, the user selected previously 3 preference values: basket, tennis, and football.
- the current choice: list of the purposes and preferences that have been selected or remain selected by the user. In our example, 3 preference values are selected, rugby is newly selected, and Football and Basket remain selected.
Purpose status
Purposes can have three states in the preference choices:
- Empty → purpose has never been selected/is not selected nor declined. If a purpose has been selected it can’t be empty (null) again. It will rather be true or false.
- True → purpose selected
- False → purpose declined. Please note that a purpose can be "false/declined" but have a selected child preference value.
Purpose metrics and indicators
Selected purposes
Number of times a purpose is selected in preference choices. Button "Yes" checked.
Maintained selected purposes
Number of purposes where the previous purpose is selected and the current purpose is selected.
Maintained declined purposes
The number of purposes where the previous status of the purpose was false and the current purpose status is false.
Declined purposes
The number of purposes where the previous purpose status was not selected or selected and the current purpose status is false.
Propagation purposes
The number of purposes where the previous purpose status was not selected but a child preference value was selected and the current purpose status is still not selected but a child preference value still is.
Purpose selection rate
Ratio of purposes selected over the total number of times the widget has been answered.
Purpose selection rate = selected purposes/preference choices
Purpose denied
The number of times a purpose was rejected in preference choices. Button "No" checked.
Purpose denied rate
The ratio of purposes rejected over the total number of times the widget has been answered.
Purpose denied rate = purposes denied/preference choices
Purpose activated rate
The ratio of opt-in purposes over the total number of preferences has been answered.
Purpose activated rate = (Selected + Maintained_Selected + Propagation)/ preference choices
Understand the purpose metrics with an example
Purposes selection status
- In the first pref. choice:
- Purpose A is not selected but a preference is selected the purpose status is propagation
- Purpose B purpose is selected
- Purpose C is also selected even if no preference is selected below
- Purpose D is denied
- In the second pref. choice:
- Purpose A, despite not being selected, benefits from “propagation from the bottom” as child preferences have been selected.
- Purpose B is denied because its status has been changed to false
- Purpose C is maintained-selected because the purpose is still selected.
- Purpose D is maintained-denied, even if a preference value has been selected. The change in the child preference value doesn’t impact the preference status when selected or declined.
Preference metrics and indicators
Selected preferences
The number of preference values when the previous preference value is not selected and the current preference value is selected.
Denied preferences
The number of preference values when the previous preference value is selected and the current preference value is not selected.
Not Selected preferences
The number of preference values when the previous preference value is not selected and the current preference value is still not selected.
Maintained preferences
The number of preference values when the previous preference value is selected and the current preference value still is selected.
Preference activated rate
The ratio of opt-in preferences over the total number of preferences has been answered.
Preference activated rate = (maintained + selected) / preference choices
Understand preference metrics with an example
In the schema above we have 3 preference choices
- coming from 1 unique user.
- for 2 distinct widgets: widget 1 and widget 2.
- widget 1 has 2 deployments/versions: widget 1.1 and widget 1.2. In widget 1.2 Rugby preference value has been removed.
- All values below are preference values
Preference values selection status
- In the first pref. choice:
- Basked, football, and rugby are selected
- MMA and Tennis are not selected
- In the second pref. choice:
- Basket and Rugby are maintained
- Football is denied
- MMA is not selected
- In the third pref. choice:
- daily is not selected
- weekly and monthly are selected
Impact of the purpose selection on the preference selection
As long as a preference value is selected the preference status will be selected, whatever is its purpose parent value.
- If a purpose is not selected but some of the preference values are (called propagation). They will still be displayed in the preference analytics as selected.
- if a purpose is declined or maintained-declined but some of the preference values are selected. They will still be displayed in the preference analytics as selected.
The previous and current preference
When a user provides a preference choice, each preference choice provides previous and current preference choices. Previous and current preference choices are tied to the widget. If the previous value is empty it means there is no previous choice, no history for the widget. Consequently, the notion of a new choice needs to be understood by widget and a new choice doesn’t mean a new user. Performance analysis always needs to have the widget for context.
NEW vs. UPDATED choice
In our preference selection scenario, the first pref. choice is a new choice because the user didn’t select preferences for this widget before. The third pref. choice is also a new choice because no previous choice was available.
If new preferences or preference values are presented for the first time in an existing widget the pref. choice will be considered as an updated choice.
Widget, purpose, and preference names
The last widget, purpose, and preference name versions are used in the selection analytics; otherwise, we won't be able to read the analytics, and we will have a row for each name.
Name change impact: whether at the entity level or at the widget level: If a purpose name, a preference name, or a preference value name is changed, it doesn't create a new purpose, a new preference, or a new preference value.
Preference value names equals to the widget preferences displayed
In the example below, the widget reflects everything in the preference tree (as shown in the screenshot below). If the value "Shoes" is selected, the value displayed in the analytics will be "Tennis - Shoes."
Now, if you remove the "Tennis" preference value from the widget but let the tennis's articles preference values (as shown in the screenshot below) and users select "Shoes," in the analytics we will display the preference value name "Shoes," excluding "Tennis".
In the analytics, the preference value names displayed are the reflection of the widget selection of preferences.