Process a privacy request

The Privacy Request module allows you to monitor and manage privacy requests submitted by your end-users. In the Didomi Console, you can update requests’ statuses in order to match the actual state of the request within your processing workflow.


Following are the six statuses and their definitions.


A request submitted by an end-user that hasn’t been validated yet.

When a request is submitted through a Privacy Requests widget, the status is by default set to unverified. In parallel, the end-user will get an email asking them to confirm their identity.


A request either verified by the end-user through verification email or set to verified by the organization.

Work in progress

A request currently being processed.

Please be aware that when you assign the status to work in progress, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization is processing their request.


A request that you have addressed and closed.

Please be aware that when you assign the status to fulfilled, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization has completed their request. In case of an access request, you can attach a link to this email to let your end-user download their data.


A request you refuse to address.

Please be aware that when you assign the status to refused, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization won’t process their request.


A request you don’t need to process anymore because you have either addressed or refused it.

Please note, no email is sent to the end-user (requestor) when the status is set to archived.

Update privacy request status

You can update request status from two locations in the Didomi Console.

  1. Go to the Privacy Requests tab, in the left menu.
  2. Click on the User Requests tab.

Update status from the request list

From this page, you can update a request status in its card, by using the select input at the top right corner.

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Update status from the request view

In the request view page, you have the access to all relevant information about the end-user and their request. You can also update the request status by using the select input at the top right corner of the page.

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In both cases, before the status is actually changed, a confirmation popup will appear when you try to update the request status.

Please be aware that when you assign the status to either work in progress, fulfilled, or refused, an appropriate email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them about the change in status.

Communications with end-users

The Privacy Request module allows you to communicate with your end-user while you are processing their data requests. Automatic status change email updates to the end-user (the requestor) will be sent when a privacy request is made using the Privacy Request widget. A few configuration adjustments must be done in order to support the same workflow through API; for more information, see this page.

End-user identity confirmation

When your end-user formulates a request from a Privacy Request widget, the email address requested in the second layer is the one used to send them emails during the request process, including the verification email to confirm the email address. The end-user needs to click on the CTA button to confirm email address.

Group 2 (4)

Work in progress notification

When you assign the status to work in progress, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization is processing their request.

Group 2 (1) (1)

Request addressed

When you assign the status to fulfilled, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization has completed their request. For most requests, there is nothing to provide to the end-user, but in case of an access request, you can attach a link to this email to let your end-user download their data.

Group 2 (3) (1)

Request refused

When you can’t or don’t want to address the request due to legitimate reasons, you can set the request status to Refused. And when you assign the status to refused, an email is sent to the end-user (requestor) informing them that your organization won’t process their request.

Group 2 (2) (1)

If you would like any further information about how to configure these emails, do not hesitate to read our developers documentation.