Set up Google Advertising Products in the TCF

How to set up Google Ad Manager as part of the TCFv2 framework

Google vendor in the TCF (step 1)

Google is part of the TCFv2 framework as vendor ID 755. Google Ad Manager, AdSense and AdMob are part of the "Google Advertising Products" vendor in the framework and in the Didomi Console:

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The ID for the Google vendor on the Didomi platform is still "google" and we recommend using this one instead of 755 in case of anything custom.

On your CMP it looks like this:

Capture d’écran 2021-04-20 à 18.28.52.png


Please note that only advertising products from Google are part of the TCF.
You can create another "Google" vendor to manage consent for non-advertising Google products like Google Analytics. You can follow this guide to do so.

Configuration for Web consent notices 

  1. Follow step 1.
  2. Select the Google Advertizing Products from the vendors list.
  3. Make sure the TCF integration is enabled. 

Once the tag is in place, you can monitor errors from Google Ad Manager. You can also read more about troubleshooting Google Ad Manager in the TCFv2.

Didomi integration (Deprecated)

Didomi used to support a direct integration with Google Ad Manager that relied on passing a NPA parameter to ad requests. This is not required anymore as Google Ad Manager relies on the IAB TCFv2 for getting the user status.

If you still have this integration enabled on your website, we recommend disabling it:

  • If you use the Didomi Console, reach out to our Technical Support team to disable the integration.
  • If you manage a local Didomi configuration (window.didomiConfig), delete the section.

Publishers will be able to continue to use Google Ad technology partners that are not on the TCF Global Vendor List (GVL) since Google supports them through Additional Consent mode. Additional consent mode is automatically enabled when the Google Advertising Products vendor is enabled in the Console.

Configuration for Mobile App consent notices

  1. Follow step 1.
  2. Select the vendors.
  3. Ensure that your SDK version is >= 1.21.0 on Android and >= 1.31.0 on iOS.
There is no other specific configuration for Google on mobile.

Additional consents

Consent for Google Ad Tech Providers is automatically collected and shared with Google Ad Manager through the Additional Consent Mode and the addtl_consent parameter. No extra configuration is required in the Didomi Console.

Technical Ad Delivery

Behavior of Technical Ad Delivery

Technical Ad Delivery relies on the IAB TCF v2.2 Special Purpose 2 (SP2) to serve ads when consent and legitimate interest are not available for the Google Advertising Products vendor or its purposes in the IAB TCF v2.

Technical Ad Delivery relies on Google Ad Manager collecting the user status from the Didomi CMP via the IAB TCF.

Ads can be delivered under Technical Ad Delivery when:

  • The user has disagreed to everything (no purpose or vendor enabled).
  • The user has made granular choices that exclude the Google Advertising Products vendor and/or its associated purpose. In some limited cases of granular choices, Limited Ads can be served instead of Technical Ad Delivery-eligible ads.

Enable Technical Ad Delivery 

To enable Technical Ad Delivery:

  • In the Didomi Console, ensure that the IAB TCF integration is enabled for your notice.
  • On your website, ensure that the "Google Ad Manager" integration from Didomi is disabled for your notice. The integration was used by Didomi to control ads served by Google Ad Manager and to send the user consent status to Google Ad Manager via a direct call to the Google Ad Manager API before Google joined the IAB TCF. This legacy integration is now deprecated as the user consent status is sent to Google via the IAB TCF.
    • If you use the Didomi Console, reach out to our Technical Support team to disable the integration. Ensure that ad requests are triggered by your website or not paused before the integration is disabled.
    • If you manage a local Didomi configuration (window.didomiConfig), delete the section.Ensure that ad requests are triggered by your website or not paused before disabling the integration.
  • On your website, ensure that Google Ad Manager ad requests are not paused or configured to not be sent when user consent is denied. Ads must be loaded in all cases irrespective of the user choices for Technical Ad Delivery ads to be served.
  • In your Google Ad Manager account, ensure that the Technical Ad Delivery option is enabled and that your account is correctly configured to support ads served via Technical Ad Delivery.

Once Technical Ad Delivery is configured, you can confirm that it is correctly enabled by generating a dedicated report in Google Ad Manager.