SSO and user management

👉 Please enable the Single Sign-On (SSO) for your group first.

Authentication method

The Authentication method column gives you more details on which users log in with SSO and which are not.

Authentication method Meaning Suggested action
SAML SSO pending The users are eligible to login with SSO, but they did not use it yet. 👉 Ask the user to simply go to the Console login page where they will be guided to use SSO SAML.
SAML SSO active The users are eligible and have already used SAML SSO to login into Didomi Console. 👉 This user is all set.
Email/password The email domain of the user’s address is not compatible with your group’s SSO settings. You have 2 options:
👉 Delete this user because they are not part of my enterprise.
👉 Keep them and authorize their email domain in your group’s SSO configuration.

Invite new users

👉 Newly invited users will exclusively be able to use SSO SAML as a mean of authentication.