Understand your Monthly Unique Visitors (MUVs)

Didomi's SDK Behavior

For the MUV, Didomi's SDK works as follows:

  1. Didomi’s SDK is called on each web page/app opening.
  2. Collects pageview/app session events. 
  3. Checks if the user is known and has given consent or not.
  4. Checks if the consent needs to be asked again based on the notice’s update or settings. 
  5. If required, the notice is displayed. 
  6. Collects consent asked event.
  7. Collects the user consent.
  8. Transfers the consent information to the vendor integrations or the tag management system (TMS).

👉 Didomi’s SDK verifies all visitors' consent, on all the pageviews/app sessions.

👉 As a result, Didomi’s SDK is called each time a web page is loaded and performs verifications for all the visitors, even visitors who already have given consent.

👉 Whatever is the number of pageviews/app sessions generated by a visitor (uuid), he will always be counted as one.

Why the MUV?

  • Monthly Unique Visitors (MUVs) represent an estimate of the total number of distinct users who visit a website or application within a given month.
  • This metric is determined by counting unique user IDs recorded during pageviews or app sessions and then extrapolating the total visitor count based on a predefined sampling rate.
  • Sampling rate:
    Web: 3% of users
    App/CTV: 10% of users

    MUV ≠ total consents given

    👉 The MUV metric covers all the traffic whereas the consent choice only covers the users that have given a consent choice during the period.
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Impacted Features


The cross-domain feature enables a user to share the same user ID across multiple domains. Therefore user consent choice can be kept and used on multiple websites (same browser).

👉 The MUVs are calculated by domain, therefore the user with the same ID on multiple domains will still be counted once by domain.

Cross-device MUV

Cross-device MUVs are calculated in the same way as standard MUVs.

👉 They allow having an estimation on several different devices, for the same user_organization_id.

Cross-device MUVs are provided in three groups: 

  • Opt-in MUV
  • Opt-out MUV
  • No Choice MUV


Webviews are used in the context of a hybrid app. A hybrid app is an application with two distinct environments: a native environment and a web environment. Webviews transfer the consent from the native environment to the web environment. Despite the two different environments, consent choice is only asked once to the user.

👉 In this context, the user has an app env. ID and a web env. ID. As a consequence, the user will be counted twice.

setUserStatus (“external” consents)

For all custom user consent collection, not done through the notice itself and using the SDK’s function setUserStatus, we collect a different type of consent, labeled “external”.

👉 Triggering external consents (or not) does not impact the volume of MUV because the MUV metric is calculated with the pageview/app sessions events (triggered when the SDK loads, not when the notice load or is displayed).

Enabling Collection of Consent for Different Pages

Customizing the consent collection by changing the names of Didomi’s cookies with the web SDK will have an impact on the counting of the unique visitors. For a same domain, a user who visits pages or subdomains where different cookie names have been set, will be counted multiple times.

Notice Geographic Behavior

The Didomi SDK is initialized for every pageview and app session, regardless of the countries selected in the Didomi console under Regulations > Country/Region:

Capture d’écran 2025-01-23 à 18.57.20

As a result, Didomi collects pageview and app session events globally, including regions where no regulation applies. This means that all visitors are included in your MUVs.

👉 To avoid being billed for users outside regions with applicable regulations, you should condition the call to our initialization tag so that the Didomi SDK is not initialized if no regulation applies.

Possible discrepancies

Please note that they are potential gaps and differences between your MUV and Didomi's MUV:

  • Difference of scope: The scope of domains/apps covered by your analytics tool and the CMP might differ.
  • MUV calculus: If your analytics tool is logged-in users or different ways to count users (e.g. cross-domain), the comparison won’t be relevant.
  • Positive Consent Visitors vs All Visitors: In most cases, your analytics tool is triggered when a visitor gives consent. Didomi also provides this follow-up, but it may vary from one domain to another.
  • Sampling impact: The calculation of the MUV remains an estimation. The exact number of MUVs may vary by + or - 10%