The purpose of this document is to describe the compliance report email notification.
The Weekly alerts email is split into multiple sections like:
- Key weekly indicators
- Vendors & Trackers
- New vendors added
- New trackers added
- Trackers day by day breakdown
- Vendors & Trackers evolution
Each of these sections present relevant data of last week's scans throughout your entire organisation.
Key weekly indicators
Under this section we present the total number of distinct vendors and trackers found throughout all your properties in the past week
Vendors & Trackers
The purpose of this section is to provide more insights on the vendors and trackers found within your organisation in the past week.
New vendors added
In this section we display the total number of vendors found, 64 in the example above and an arrow icon showing if the number has increased, decreased or remained constant as compared to the previous week.
This information is followed by a table where we present the Name/ Domain of the vendor, the number of trackers dropped and the domains (scanned websites) where we found them. This list contains the top 10 vendors sorted by number of trackers dropped within your organisation. For a more in depth analysis we recommend using our Compliance Report Analytics tool.
New trackers added
In this section we display the total number of trackers found, 124 in the example above, and an arrow icon showing if the number has increased, decreased or remained constant as compared to the previous week.
This information is followed by a table where we present the Name of the tracker, its party, the vendor who dropped it and the domains (scanned websites) where we found them. This list contains the top 10 trackers dropped within your organisation. For a more in depth analysis we recommend using our Compliance Report Analytics tool.
Trackers day by day breakdown
For an in depth analysis of trackers we present in this section a breakdown by day for the refuse and no action scenarios and for each party of trackers.
Vendors & Trackers evolution
This last section follows to present the evolution over time of the number of trackers. We have a comparison in number of trackers with the week and the month before. We can see here if overall the number of vendors and trackers increases or decreases over a period of time.