What are Regulations in Didomi?

A regulation is a set of settings applied to a notice in the configured territories.

Settings included in a regulation

A regulation includes the following settings:

  • Applicable territories: Specify countries and U.S. states.
  • Vendors: Define the vendors associated with the regulation.
  • GPP mapping: Configure mappings based on the Global Privacy Platform (GPP).
  • Purposes and categories: Set the purposes and their associated categories.
  • Additional settings: Customize national-specific requirements, standard text, buttons, and more.


You can configure up to 15 regulations in a single notice:

  • General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (Law-25 Compliant)
  • Colorado Privacy Act - CPA
  • California Privacy Rights Act - CPRA
  • Connecticut Data Privacy Act - CTDPA
  • Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act - DPDPA
  • Florida Digital Bill of Rights - FDBR
  • Iowa Consumer Data Protection Act - ICDPA
  • Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act - MCDPA
  • New Hampshire Privacy Act - NHPA
  • New Jersey Data Privacy Act - NJDPA
  • Oregon Consumer Privacy Act - OCPA
  • Texas Data Privacy and Security Act - TDPSA
  • Utah Consumer Privacy Act - UCPA
  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act - VCDPA