North America CMP dashboard

The North America Privacy Dashboard helps organizations manage user consent for privacy laws in the United States and Canada.


The North America Privacy Dashboard helps organizations manage user consent for privacy laws in the United States and Canada. This tool enables companies to track and analyze the performance of your notices deployed under regulations that assume users have opted in unless they explicitly opt out.

Key Features

  • Tailored Dashboard: Provides insights on user consent behavior specific to U.S. and Canada as user’s location. All global notices and U.S./Canada-targeted notices can appear in the dashboard.
  • Data Filters: Filter data by states, or regions, and refine insights by device type or platform.
  • Data is available starting from Oct 9th 2024, with no historical data provided prior to this date.

Available on-demand

This dashboard is free and available upon request. Contact your Account Manager to activate it, and once activated, it can be accessed in the CMP section under Analytics.

If you have deployed notices in the United States and/or Canada, this dashboard will provide insights into the performance of your notices across these regions.

Interpreting the Data

Acceptance Rate

A new metric: "Acceptance Rate" combines the "Opt-in Rate" (users actively choose to accept) and the "No Choice Rate" (users passively accept by not making a choice). This metric represents the percentage of acceptance across all the notices (consents asked), focusing on the frequency of these events rather than the proportion of unique users. Opt-ins, opt-outs and all other metrics used in general dashboards are defined here.

Neither external consents nor webview consents are taken into account in the notice indicators.

Region Filters

After selecting a country, use the "Region" filter to narrow down data by specific areas like states or provinces. All U.S. and Canadian regions will appear by default, even if there is no data from those regions.

region filter

Unknown Region

If region data is missing or cannot be mapped to a valid area, it appears as "Unknown," often due to VPNs, proxies, or inaccurate ISP data.

Negative no-choice pageviews/app sessions

We have implemented a 0% floor and a 100% ceiling to prevent rates from going negative or exceeding 100%. This issue, primarily caused by re-collection events, is a known limitation explained here.

Visualizing Your Metrics

The dashboard offers an intuitive interface with graphs and charts that simplify the interpretation of your data. These visuals help you monitor:

  • Volume of consents: opt-ins, opt-outs, and no-choice
  • Changes in acceptance, opt-in, and opt-out rates over time
  • Trends by region or domain