Recommendation on integrating a paywall with Didomi

The analytics functionalities of Didomi CMP are closely integrated with its notice. Substituting Didomi's notice with an alternative will impact the analytics.

Didomi does not provide tracking capabilities for other services that could serve as a substitute for Didomi's notice as the primary user interface.

If an alternative notice is used to deploy a paywall, replacing Didomi's notice, it will significantly impact data collection. The event responsible for counting the displayed notice (consent.asked event) will not be triggered, rendering indicators relying on this metric inaccurate. Metrics such as Total notices displayed, no-choice rate, and opt-in rate will no longer provide reliable information.


Metrics and indicators using the Notice displayed metric would be impacted

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In the context of integrating a paywall option into a notice, it is strongly recommended to customize the existing Didomi notice for optimal analytics integration. Below two integration examples.

A - The no opt-out option

For blog

We recommend implementing the no-opt-out option by utilizing a Didomi notice that does not incorporate an opt-out option (neither button nor link). 

Subsequently, it is advised to customize the notice by adding a second button, directing users to the pay option.

Upon user subscription (or micro-payment), we suggest triggering an opt-out consent using the setuserstatus function of the SDK. 


This implementation ensures the continuity of CMP analytics. Additionally, users who have subscribed to the paid option will be registered as external opt-out consents. This metric is available in the main table of Domains & Apps, as well as in the analytics export.


B - The consent change incentive

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In certain versions, there's a preference to initially allow opt-out, but when it happens, there's a recommendation to change the consent status or encourage a subscription to a paid option.

Our suggestion is to deploy a standard Didomi's notice with a decline option of your choice (button, link, or cross).

Subsequently, you would need to condition the deployment of the consent change request banner to those who opt-out. Regarding the consent change option (from opt-out to opt-in), we recommend using the setuserstatus function. These changes will be registered as external opt-ins in your analytics data.


You will then be able to have the consent rate of the first layer (standard banner). With the external opt-ins, you will also be able to measure how many opt-outs have been changed to opt-in and recalculate the final consent rate (and opt-in rate), especially with the analytics export.