List of the data processing feature (Stacks)

Didomi allows you to put the purposes into stacks in compliance with TCFv2.2

Stacks refer to a grouping of purposes under a common theme or category, which helps in organizing and presenting consent options more clearly to users. This feature is particularly useful in compliance with frameworks like the IAB's Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). It's displayed on the first view of the consent notice:

Remember that if you use the IAB integration, it is mandatory to display the Stacks in the 1st layer of your Consent Notice.

Here's how to configure your stacks:

  1. Go on your Consent Notice. 
  2. Go to the step 1. Regulations
  3. Click on the blue button "Vendors & Purposes"  
  4. In the section TCF Settings and open Group TCF purposes as stacks the box "Enable automatic stacks" is checked by default. 
    It allows you to put your purposes into stacks automatically according to the purposes/vendors you selected. 

  5. Click on SAVE (Red button) and publish the changes if they seem correct to you in the preview (in 3.publish).
  6. You can uncheck this box in order to add the stacks you want to. Click on +ADD STACK. 

  7. The following window will appear on your screen, allowing you to choose the stacks you need. If you need to check what the stacks are and which purposes they contain you can find it in detail here
    They appear by alphabetical order:
  8. Click on Show details (under the stack) you will be able to see the details of the purposes contained in the stack.
    stacks details
  9. These stacks will be displayed in the first view of your notice:

⚠️ The stacks are ordered alphabetically. Purpose 1 " Store and /or access information on a device" is not contained in any stack. Therefore, it will be automatically added to your list.

Special features only exist in one stack grouping both special features. If you are using features without selecting the stack, it will be added automatically.

Furthermore, be careful that the stacks you are selecting are containing all your purposes. If not, Didomi will automatically add the stack 42 containing all the purposes except the purpose 1.

You can see the list of all purposes and features here.

If you do not use the IAB integration and want to hide the stacks in the 1st layer of your consent notice,. you can follow these steps:

1- Go to your consent Notice

2 - Go to step 2.Customization ; Content editor -> Specific settings 

3 - Select "Custom text"

 Custom text

4 - You will see a new option "Hide the list of data processing" displayed just below.



 5 - Select "Hide the List of Data Processing"

6 - Verify the preview and publish your changes.

This will hide the stacks but the IAB integration will be automatically disabled.