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How to modify the purposes for a Vendor?

To modify a vendor's purposes, you will have to consider the following three scenarios:

Case 1: if it's an IAB Vendor / Google ATP >>> Publisher Restriction

Purposes for IAB vendors are predefined and managed within the IAB TCF framework. If you require specific publisher restrictions, these can be set through the Consent Notice’s settings, allowing you to customize and enforce restrictions based on your specific needs. Learn more here.

Case 2: if it's a Custom Vendor

For custom vendors, you can directly create and assign purposes using the Didomi Console. Follow these steps:

Access the Data Manager.

Navigate to the Vendors section and either select an existing vendor or create a new one.

In the vendor settings, add or modify purposes under the sections 'Purposes based on consent' and 'Purposes based on legitimate interest'.

Ensure to save your changes. Further information can be found here.

Case 3: if it's a non-IAB Vendor listed in the console

To modify the purposes for a vendor that is not part of the IAB but is included in our console’s vendor list, you will have to replace it with a custom vendor and assign the desired purposes, following the same process as in Case 2.