The most common banner formats and their performance for refusal options - WEB

In this article, you will discover how to enhance your banner's opt-in rate and performance.

📕First of all, here are a few key concepts:

What is considered consent?

We consider as consent a user who has accepted at least one of the purposes or providers displayed. If a user does nothing on your website, we consider that he has not given his consent.

How do we calculate the Consent Rate?

The consent rate is the number of positive consents among all the consents given.

Consent rate = opt-ins divided by the total number of choices.
N.B: the total number of choices covers both positive and negative opt-ins.

💡To find out more about our CMP metrics click >>here<<


⚠️ The following figures are 2024 averages and may change over time. We will be sure to update them when we have new data.

The most common banner formats by position are :

  • Pop-up : 71.9% 
  • Footer: 27.6%
  • Header: 0.5%

The most common options for refusing consent are :

  • No negative action: 36,4 % with consent rate of 94,1 %
  • Link only: 35,9 % with consent rate of 81,2 %
  • Bouton uniquement : 27,0 % with consent rate of 77,6 %
  • Bouton + bouton de fermeture : 0,4 % with consent rate of 73,8 %


According to our customers' data, the format with the highest consent rate is the centered pop-up format, which interrupts navigation until the user interacts with the banner.

That said, although other formats (Footer, Header) have similar consent rates, the volume of users who do not interact with the banner (No Choice Rate) increases considerably when they are allowed to browse the site without giving their consent (positive or negative).

💡If you would like to discover data from other environments such as Mobile, AMP, CTV, as well as full information.

👉Please download our complete study >>here<<

✍️ Here are a few strategies to optimize your banner's performance:

✅ A title on your Consent Notice, such as "Privacy is our priority".

Match the style, font and content of your banner to your website.

Grouping purposes into (user-friendly) categories facilitates granular choices.

✅ Our feature cross-device could be useful for sharing consent across different websites and apps, whether on the same or different devices.
This improves both your monetization and your consent rate, because you don't have to ask the same user for consent multiple times - how convenient! (Premium feature).

✅ For detailed guidance and more advanced techniques, you can refer to the Didomi Developer Documentation on Performance.

⚠️Before making any changes, we advise you to consult your legal department, as each country may have its own specific requirements.