Can I customize Didomi's purposes?

The default list of purposes comes from the IAB GDPR framework (see here : A. Purposes)
All advertising and marketing vendors are part of this framework. The displayed purposes list comes directly from the vendors. 

Here is the list of purposes:

1. Store and/or access information on a device
2. Use limited data to select advertising
3. Create profiles for personalised advertising
4. Use profiles to select personalised advertising
5. Create profiles to personalise content
6. Use profiles to select personalised content
7. Measure advertising performance
8. Measure content performance
9. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources
10. Develop and improve services
11. Use limited data to select content

Purposes Automatically Linked to Selected Vendors

Each vendor declares the purposes for which they need consent. When you add a vendor manually from the Didomi database, the purposes linked to that vendor are added automatically.

🎉 This ensures compliance without the need to integrate each purpose manually.

Modification of Purposes

You cannot edit the IAB purposes since the text is defined by the IAB.

Using Your Own Purposes

In the case you don't want to display those purposes on your notice: 

Option 1: Use the IAB purposes but create categories to group them.


Option 2: Create your own vendors and add the purposes you want for them.


Custom purposes won't be mapped to IAB purposes and won't be shared with vendors on your website if you use IAB TCF. For any ad-related purposes, we strongly recommend sticking with the IAB standard to make compliance easier.