Create a widget

The widget is the form that users will fill in, allowing you to collect their preferences.

Please note that before creating a widget, you first need to create a purpose and a preference in the Configuration Tree tab.

  1. Go to the Preference Management tab, in the left menu.
  2. Go to the Widgets tab.
  3. Click on Create a widget +, on the right side.


Create a Single purpose widget

A Single purpose widget is a single question to embed on your website.

Single purpose widget should be selected by default.

  1. Click on Next step.
  2. Select the purpose or preference to use in your widget.
  3. Click on Generate widget.

Create a Multi purpose widget

A Multi purpose widget is one, several or all purposes and preferences to embed on your website.

  1. Select Multi purpose widget.
  2. Click on Create a Multi purpose widget.

Create a Preference Center

A Preference Center is a widget including the entire Configuration Tree, accessible through an URL.

  1. Select Preference Center.
  2. Click on Create a Preference Center.

You'll now reach the page for editing the widget.

  1. A default title is assigned to your widget. You can edit this title by clicking on it.
  2. Don't forget to click on Save on the top menu to have your changes taken into account.

You can edit a widget's content, colors and shapes, or deploy it straightaway.